The protagonist of the story, Misaki is the first female Student Council President at Seika High and known for her extremely demanding and aggressive attitude towards boys and relentlessly reforming them to what she considers are acceptable standards of behavior. Her negative attitude towards males is mostly attributed to her father amassing with a huge debt and then disappearing; Misaki became determined to make sure her weak mother would not have to work so hard to support both Misaki and her younger sister. To this extent, she secretly and reluctantly works as a maid at Café Latte. Regardless of her endeavors, Misaki is always driven to her best and has a strong sense of justice, but has a tendency to forget her own well being in the process when she is helping others. She starts to have feelings for Usui as the series progresses, although she doesn't realize them herself.
Jumat, 06 Maret 2009
Misaki Ayuzawa (鮎沢 美咲 ,Ayuzawa Misaki)
The protagonist of the story, Misaki is the first female Student Council President at Seika High and known for her extremely demanding and aggressive attitude towards boys and relentlessly reforming them to what she considers are acceptable standards of behavior. Her negative attitude towards males is mostly attributed to her father amassing with a huge debt and then disappearing; Misaki became determined to make sure her weak mother would not have to work so hard to support both Misaki and her younger sister. To this extent, she secretly and reluctantly works as a maid at Café Latte. Regardless of her endeavors, Misaki is always driven to her best and has a strong sense of justice, but has a tendency to forget her own well being in the process when she is helping others. She starts to have feelings for Usui as the series progresses, although she doesn't realize them herself.
Diposting oleh kiryuu_cute di 22.10
Label: girL, kaiCho wA maId-sAma, maNga
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